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Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel There is a vast population of holy angels in God’s spirit realm (Revelation 5:11; Hebrews 12:22; Luke 2:13). However just three high-positioning heavenly messengers are referenced in the Bible: Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel. (Hades and Apollyon, Hebrew and Greek names meaning Destruction and Destroyer in Revelation 9:11, are accepted to be extra names for Lucifer.) Heavenly messengers of elevated place To begin with, what are holy messengers? In Greek, the word for holy messenger is aggelos (articulated ang-el-os). Its implications incorporate "a courier, emissary, one who is sent, a courier from God" (Strong's Lexicon). Pumpkin-pie-spice-oatmeal-with-coconut. The Bible plainly shows us that the three high-positioning holy messengers were given particularly extraordinary obligations. Lucifer was previously called a "covering angel" (Ezekiel 28:14, 16), a title that demonstrates a fair liability. In any case, Lucifer trespassed and is pres...

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